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Properties of Hexagonal Prism

- By Dr. Minas E. Lemonis, PhD - Updated: June 4, 2020

This tool calculates the basic geometric properties of a right prism, with a regular hexagonal base. Enter the shape dimensions 'a' and 'h' below. The calculated results will have the same units as your input. Please use consistent units for any input.

a =
h =

Geometric properties:
Volume =
Surface area =
Base area =
Lateral surface area =
shape details


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The prism is a solid object enclosed by two parallel planar polygonal bases and a lateral prismatic surface. Hexagonal prism is a special case of the general prism, which may have any arbitrary polygonal base. With a hexagon base, the number of faces, edges and vertices (NF, NE, NV respectively) is given by the formulas:

\begin{split} NF & = 8 \\ NE & = 18 \\ NV & = 12 \end{split}

The volume of a prism is given by the formula:

V = A_b h

where A_b the surface area of the base and h the height of the prism. For regular hexagon, the base area is given by:

A_b = \frac{3 a^2}{2 \tan{30^{\circ}}}

where a the length of an edge of the base hexagon.

The surface area of one lateral face of the prism, is equal to:

A_{f0} = a h

Since there are 6 lateral faces and two bases, the total surface area of the hexagonal prism is:

A = 2A_b + 6 A_{f0}

See also
Polygonal prism properties
Cylinder properties
Cone properties
Cube properties
Pyramid properties
Pyramid with polygonal base properties
All solids
All Geometric Shapes